In a minefield of explosive ideas and corrected speech, it often seems that one word can be enough to provoke the wrath of a dragon. The Dragon Common Room emerged in AD 2020 as a digital den of mischievous trolls, meme lords, culture vultures, gif pirates, history buffs, religious zealots, and Tolkien fans, who found themselves assembled in a Telegram chat room to defend the Good, True, and Beautiful in their dark corner of the internet.
Seeing that even the tiniest of serpents become great dragons, this motley crew had one thing in common: a desire to become wordsmiths and hammer out their mother tongue in the forge of English poetry. The DCR assembles daily for Tea Time, where Professor Fulton Brown’s Drakes sharpen their wits and carefully seek just the right Word.

Meet the Professor
Founder of the Dragon Common Room
As a Medievalist, Professor Rachel Fulton Brown is no stranger to quests, crusades, or hot-headed dragons. She's appeared on a remarkable array of platforms and mediums. She is an award-winning teacher at the University of Chicago; published author of multiple books including From Judgment to Passion, Mary and the Art of Prayer, and Milo Chronicles; and featured host of her own series on Unauthorized TV, teaching Tolkien and developing the Christian imagination.
RFB's hobby is fencing. The sharp sword likely keeps the DCR Drakes in line. Further training in virtue may be found on her blog Fencing Bear at Prayer.
Poet Drakes

K J Crilly
KJ Crilly is a life-long lover of Shakespeare, obscure history, old bookstores and old places. She is an aspiring novelist who has been with the Dragon Common Room since its inception, learning the discipline of poetic meter and co-creating some epic stories with her fellow poets.
For decades she toiled within the coils of the governmental dragon, which tried and failed to smother her creative spark. Now she happily spends her days swigging strong British tea while building fictional worlds and testing our meter.
When not writing, she can be found haunting very old places to physically connect with history, planning her garden, or training in virtue by not picking fights with Internet demons.

Mel Wiggin
Devotee of our Heavenly Queen the Blessed Mother, Mel Wiggin followed Wisdom into Dr. Fulton Brown’s electric classroom, where she enjoys creating mystical musings inspired by the Venerable Mary of Agreda.
She is a cradle Catholic, snowboarder, whitewater raft guide, and poet, who strives to glorify God by her life.
More of her Catholic boardshop can be found at

Kilts Khalfan
Anticonservative, but definitely not antiChrist, Kilts is a Medieval thinker, poet, concept artist, and co-author of two books (and counting) published by the Dragon Common Room. She also writes bold Christian articles for gab and on her own K!LT$'s Substack.
She is currently working with the DCR team on the five-volume epic, Draco Alchemicus.
Kilts regularly muses on her Telegram channel The Sandwhich Press, a digital liberal arts project that feeds into DCR’s work. The Sandwhiches have inspired both devotional piano composition and hate mail.
The H in Sandwhich is on purpose.
Artist Drakes

Colleen C. Coggins
Colleen was lured into the Dragon Common Room by the promise of tea and Tolkien, where she discovered by chance that even a little braying donkey can learn to breathe fire.
She loves to bring a good story to life with her art, and she absolutely delights in the worst of puns.
She illustrated Aurora Bearialis as HandDrawnBear.
More of her good, true, and beautiful books for children can be found at ColleenCogginsBooks. She also sells prints of her work.

Zé Nuno Fraga
Artist from a small Portuguese village.
After having made pagan comics on Aristophanes‘ play Assembly Women and the life of philosopher Marcus Aurelius, he repented and now does Catholicomics.
He was then abducted by the Professor to be the illustrator of Draco Alchemicus.

Grimmer Arts
Grimmer Arts (Aisha Fajardo) is a fine artist & illustrator from Madrid, currently based in Cincinnati (OH).
She has worked as a freelance illustrator in the dark fantasy genre doing book covers, illustrations for tabletop games and private commissions. She pledged herself to serve Truth and Beauty but finds herself inescapably drawn to gothic Sturm und Drang.
Prints of her work can be found at her gallery at InPrnt.
The Drakes assemble for a conversation about creating the great City of Light in DRACO ALCHEMICUS and the destiny of man inside our own creations. What effect does our free will have on the world around us when we make our choices? What does our civilization consider valuable and beautiful, and can Beauty really exist in a world without Christ incarnated inside it? Can you discern the horror from the comedy and the difference between the dragons? Learn to discern with the Drakes of the Dragon Common Room.
Professor Rachel Fulton Brown spoke at St. John Cantius Church in Chicago on the importance of storytelling in the Christian tradition and how we wrote “Aurora Bearialis.”
Professor Rachel Fulton Brown talks about her journey as a medieval historian and how it brought her to write poetry in iambic pentameter with dragons.
“‘The poets are ordinary people who come from all ages and levels of education looking to speak well and beautifully,’ Ms. Fulton Brown told The Washington Times in an interview. ‘It’s about recovering our English literary tradition in the public sphere.’”
“A bid to save Western civilization through preserving the English language.”